Meditation : A renowned belief

 Study says that meditation can help you stay stressfree

Meditation, a belief that is cultivated in our lives from the unknown sources,

the sources which are distinguished 

and can’t be traced back.

Browsing through the different walks of life, somewhere, somehow, we lend our ears to someone knowing the benefits of meditation. 

Recent environmental changes, behavioural changes and the year 2020 'new normal' has made everyone, across all continents and countries, curious about the meditation.


                                                    Questions that come up in my mind or might be yours too.

    • Is meditation really beneficial? 
    • Is it that much valuable for our soul, body and mind? 
    • Is it completely a myth spread by some yoga saints or gurus for their own propaganda?

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Stay safe, Stay healthy

Stay blessed

We bust out these questions in our next post together. Do read.

Please post your views and your questions in the comments.

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